Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Fullness of Time

Greetings good citizen,

If we look at this from the perspective of my ‘teeny-tiny audience’ we are well and truly, not that there was any real prospect of salvaging the situation before it crashed and burned.

Record high numbers of people receiving food assistance, records being set in the length of unemployment benefits and let’s not forget the record number of foreclosures/number of homeless people!

Is this really due to ‘laziness’ good citizen? Is there really work out there that the TENS OF MILLIONS OF UNEMPLOYED are supposedly TURNING THEIR NOSES UP AT?

Because that’s what the fucking Conservatives say the problem is…you can find work if you really want it (too bad if you can’t live on what it pays!)

Naturally, if you don’t acknowledge (the real cause of) the problem, you can’t fix it. (Or worse, you waste time and resources trying to fix the wrong things!)

What is causing hundreds of millions of people to draw from rather then contribute to society?

You don’t suppose the heart of the problem that is tearing civilization apart rests in predatory capitalism? (and there is no ‘non-predatory’ variety, capitalism’s ‘central premise’ is predatory! If you were to remove the predatory aspects, it wouldn’t be capitalism or anything remotely resembling capitalism!)

Well, we’re about to witness what happens when commerce prevents government from protecting the public good…and the extremely violent public backlash this should create!

Not only will there be violence but there already is violence, the MSM just isn’t reporting it. Think that’s impossible--think again. Your ‘news’ is far more ‘filtered’ than you know.

And bizarrely, you see proof of this everyday in the financial section! 1984 was over twenty-five years ago and many of Orwell’s ‘warnings’ have come true.

Left to our imaginations good citizen is precisely where the so-called tipping point is and whether or not we’ll recognize it when we pass it?

This same writer says

I have some news that will shock some progressives. Are you ready for it? Here goes: by historical standards things really aren’t that bad right now, nor were they really all that bad during the Bush presidency.

“But that can’t be true!” some progressives in the crowd are surely going to respond. “What about the torture? What about the wars? What about the economic crisis and the warrantless wiretapping and the erosion of all our democratic rights?”

The years of 2001-2009 in which George W. Bush was in power were certainly a low point for our country in many respects, and I firmly believe that future historians will judge him to be the worst of the first forty-four American presidents, if not possibly the worst American president of all time. But the reality is that, despite his terrible incompetence, the average American did not suffer terribly under Bush’s watch. Because there is no longer a draft the average young American did not need to worry about being forced to fight against his will in Iraq and Afghanistan and the average middle class parent did not need to worry about their precious offspring being sent overseas to be killed. There was no terrorist blowback in the United States from those wars and because they were financed by deficit spending there were no tax increases to burden the average citizen. Practically the only inconvenience faced by the ordinary American was a dramatic rise in the cost of gas and heating oil caused by the resulting Middle Eastern instability. The years of 2001-2009 in which George W. Bush was in power were certainly a low point for our country in many respects, and I firmly believe that future historians will judge him to be the worst of the first forty-four American presidents, if not possibly the worst American president of all time. But the reality is that, despite his terrible incompetence, the average American did not suffer terribly under Bush’s watch. Because there is no longer a draft the average young American did not need to worry about being forced to fight against his will in Iraq and Afghanistan and the average middle class parent did not need to worry about their precious offspring being sent overseas to be killed. There was no terrorist blowback in the United States from those wars and because they were financed by deficit spending there were no tax increases to burden the average citizen. Practically the only inconvenience faced by the ordinary American was a dramatic rise in the cost of gas and heating oil caused by the resulting Middle Eastern instability.

Sadly, this writer is correct, things haven’t been ‘that bad’ (so far) but it is the direction things are headed that has us doomers making our dire predictions.

Worse, and history is on our side with this one, things can get a lot worse faster than you might imagine!

Bizarrely, the trigger is a little too close to the ‘panic button’ and the ‘straw that breaks the camels hump’ will most likely be, er, ‘intended’ to ‘preserve civil order’ in a most barbaric if not Draconian way.

The ‘Patriot Act part II’ will read like anything but as it grants the status quo with the unprecedented use of force to maintain ‘peace’…

Then we will see the many make their choice to die on their feet rather than live on their knees!

We can only hope that we don’t lose too many of these brave souls during purely ‘symbolic’ clashes, their lives wasted without any ground being won.

The Status quo will battle us for every inch, hell, this is their ‘birthright’ they’re fighting for (while the rest of us are fighting for our lives!)

Truth be told good citizen it’s even worse than that, we who oppose the status quo are not just fighting for our lives, we are fighting for the right to exist in a predatory world that no longer needs us.

To survive, we MUST vanquish the predators who have no more ‘right to live’ than we do! Not only do they have theirs but they have ‘ours’ too (and have taken it upon themselves to sell to us what is ours by right! At a price of their choosing.)

Those who do not live as we live and suffer as we suffer have no right to benefit from our misery! They are the authors of our collective destitution and for that they must perish, having already demonstrated their desire and ability to wipe us from the face of the planet.

It’s us or them…if we don’t prevail, at least we will no longer be exploited…which is to point out that it is not a ‘lost cause’, as long as we fight, we ‘win’…

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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