Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Making a list...

Greetings good citizen,

Considering the increasingly fragile socio-economic situation we can only be puzzled by this morning’s headline in today’s business section of the NY Times:

Stocks Start With a Gain

Wall Street opened higher as it enters a traditionally quiet period heading into the end of the year.

Irrationally, the market is up almost 150 points this morning alone and almost 250 points over its recent lows.

Have YOU heard ANY economic ‘good news’ that might justify the trillions of dollars in stock valuations this translates into?

Nope, you didn’t miss it because it don’t exist.

While I’m tempted to go screaming off the reservation on a tirade blasting public apathy over this blatant theft…it will do no good, so I’ll shut up (about this particular topic.)

More succinctly, I think you all know a rising market by no means indicates the salvation of our civilization.

Quite the contrary in fact.

In a rather ‘fitting’ article for the season that has become so closely associated with ‘conspicuous consumption’ we have this tidbit for your consideration
6 Things Money Shouldn’t Be Able to Buy

1. Prison Cell Upgrade

In America’s two-tiered justice system, the rich get access to high-priced attorneys and special privileges, even in the form of a more comfortable prison cell.

2. Internships

It has long been easier for children of the wealthy to secure internships in hot industries, whether through the indirect financial contributions of their parents or the luxury of being able to take unpaid positions. But outright purchase? That's the new normal.

3. Leadership Positions in Congress

No other legislature in the developed world does it. But in America, congressional parties now post prices for key slots on committees. It wasn’t always so, but in the last few decades, the old seniority system that used to govern leadership selection and committee assignments has been swept away. As political scientist Thomas Ferguson explains, “In its place, the parties copied practices of big-box retailers like Walmart, Best Buy or Target…You want it – you buy it.”

4. Airport Security Checks

While the folks in coach are standing in long lines, wealthy customers zip through security at lightning speed. Why? Because they can afford to.

5. Doctor’s Cell Phone Number

Our private healthcare system has clearly failed us. We have by far the most expensive system in the developed world, and many of us still can’t seem to get basic services or see a doctor when we need one. But the doctor is always in if you’ve got the dough.

6. Human Organs

It used to be considered an urban legend, but yes, there is a robust black market for human organs which often involves violence. Criminals in the organ trade can make many times what they pay; a kidney, for example, may cost $10,000 and be sold for up to $150,000.

I love lists like this because of what they omit.

Before I go ‘off the reservation’, do you find the above list to be fairly inclusive, touching on the ‘high point’s of what has become ‘socially acceptable’?

Because naturally ALL OF THE ABOVE would be illegal under A Simple Plan.

How fortunate is it that the last would be impossible…

In a world full of unjustly rich and extreme desperation don’t you think it’s time we ‘re-examine’ the how and why we do what we do?

How fucking sad is it that we have morphed into ‘Libertarian paradise’ thanks to thirty years of morally bankrupt Republican leadership?

What does it tell you when we see the marriage of the concepts ‘If you don’t have a job then society has no use for you’ joined with the idea of ‘paying’ for work…

Where does that leave you?

Could you afford to ‘buy’ your job?

(If you could your employer would be out of business! Chew on that!)

Oh, got that covered…you’re ‘self-employed’.

Guess what? Self-employed with no paying customers is no different than being ‘unemployed’.

Like I said, the above list is a good start but it should be MUCH longer.

Can you think of anything you’d add?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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