Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Twinkie the Kid...

Greetings good citizen,

I strongly suspect the source of the coming apocalypse was revealed this morning!

I hasten to add that the possibility never crossed my mind, even in my wildest flights of imagination…(and most of you know how ‘wild’ those can get!)

What, pray tell, will become the font of all horror? What event will bring Western Civilization crashing down in a way near impossible to mitigate?

Read it and weep, good citizen: ‘Twinkie the kid’ has filed for bankruptcy

The company, which has assets of roughly $1 billion, has been struggling under the weight of a debt load of about $860 million and soaring expenses tied to its labor force. Hostess has up to 100,000 creditors, and its chief unsecured creditors are labor unions and pension funds that represent the company’s employees, according to the Chapter 11 petition filed in United States Bankruptcy Court in lower Manhattan.

“We remain hopeful that we can reach an agreement that will allow us to amend our labor contracts so that we can emerge from Chapter 11 as a highly competitive company that provides secure jobs for our employees,” the company’s president and chief executive, Brian J. Driscoll, said in a statement. The statement added that Hostess did not anticipate disruptions to its normal sale of baked goods.

Soaring expenses…TIED TO ITS LABOR FORCE?

Twinkies (Hostess brand) is OLDER THAN DIRT, how the fuck can LABOR COSTS suddenly be driving them out of business?

One thing is obvious, the name of the ‘parent company’ has changed…so it looks like Mr. Driscoll and associates might be guilty of making a poor business deal…which is to say they paid too damn much for the company!

Now they can’t charge the customer more for the product in a ‘down’ economy…nor can they alter the recipe without ruining the product…so what does that leave?

They have to cut back on employees!

And what shows up in their bankruptcy filing? Do they tell the truth and admit ‘We SUCK at this business thing, we paid too much for the company and now we can’t afford to pay the help ( and, heaven forbid we could NEVER consider paying ourselves less, it’s the reason we bought a company instead of working for one!)

Well, good citizen…Twinkies (which has experienced a variety of problems over the past dozen or so years) isn’t about to ‘disappear’…the Twinkie ‘shortages’ that resulted in Twinkie hoarding are a testament to that.

The mother company may be doomed but Twinkie the kid will continue to ride!

In one form or another…

Not even feckless capitalism can slay the mighty snack cake! (although ‘peak energy’ threatens to confine them to being a ‘local phenomenon’.)

But seriously, good citizen, this truly is another example of how badly mismanaged our civilization IS…and ‘tense’ is important here because the perps would argue that our society is only beginning to show signs of mismanagement, a common occurrence when economic signposts are obscured.

When the truth of the matter is mismanagement is what causes economic signposts to become obscure! (And therefore ‘misinterpreted!’)

Um, a beast of my own creation, I’m afraid…I’ll bet some of you think I’m being sarcastic, don’t you?

It is not Twinkies (all by themselves) that threatens to tear down Western civilization but the brand of ‘cowboy capitalism’ on display here that will knock us into our own cesspool!

Which is to belabor the obvious, stability is a product of the operating environment, the more unstable your operating environment, the less ‘reliable’ things will be.

And I’m sure most of you have noticed the recent spike in, er, ‘planned obsolescence’.

That is directly attributable to the current ‘unstable’ operating environment.

Slash, hack and burn whatever you can and then loot what isn’t nailed down…then make for the horizon!

I’m willing to bet Twinkie the kid isn’t the only ‘endangered icon’ out there, given the level of ‘instability’ out there.

Um, I should caution you that ‘instability’ is a self-solving problem, the default setting for civilization is virtual stasis.

Which makes it no less ironic that all of the instability in today’s environment is due to the status quo struggling mightily to keep things from changing (but change is long overdue!)

One thing is certain, change will come…left up to us is whether ‘change’ will move us forward or if it throws us backwards…

And this is a decision that YOU will make.

Will you fight for a better future or will you sit on your hands and allow your children to be exterminated before your weeping eyes?

What are you going to do?

It is likely you haven’t even considered this yet…mostly because you’ve been trained to believe that you have no choice.

It is important for you to realize that you ALWAYS have a choice…and choosing not to decide is in fact, a choice!

Your decision not to fight proves them right, that you don’t deserve to live!

Don’t prove them right!

United we stand, divided they win!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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